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2022 Kentucky State Parks Photo Contest Winners

Kentucky State Parks 2022 Photo Contest

Kentucky State Parks in partnership with is proud to share the winners of the 2022 Photo Contest. The judging panel reviewed over 2,220 entries representing four categories including Scenic, Park Activities, Trails, and Camping.

Check out the nine winning photos and stories below and be inspired to visit a Kentucky State Park!

Grand Prize Winner

Photographer: Billy Yarosh
Location: Natural Bridge State Resort Park

The judges selected this amazing night photo titled “Milky Way over Natural Bridge” that was taken with a Sony Alpha A7R IV. Billy Yarosh is an engineering manager and loves photographing his hikes and showcasing Kentucky landscapes’ natural beauty.

“Milky Way photography requires near-perfect conditions. It requires the right season and a southward-facing subject. The best time to shoot the Milky Way is in September and early October. The core is most visible just at sundown in these months. The Red River Gorge has some of the darkest skies on the east coast. Even better, the Natural Bridge in Natural Bridge State Resort Park is south-facing from the viewing area on Battleship Rock. This insight may be news to most photographers. A friend and I waited for a clear night and headed from Lexington to photo document Balance Rock Trail and shoot the Milky Way. The moon was out, which can make this photo difficult, but we made due and had an incredible evening under the stars. Someday I want to have the moon lighting the bridge, which would make this Milky Way scene even more spectacular.”

“As a side note, the Milky Way is not this visible to the human eye. The camera takes a long time to expose the Milky Way, something our eyes cannot do.” 

Photo Contest Winner Grand Prize

Camping Category First Place Winner

Photographer: Tim Koehn
Location: Kenlake State Resort Park

Tim is an engineer from Houston. He took this camping photo on a recent trip to Kenlake State Resort Park using his iPhone 8. Below is the story behind this winning sunrise photo.

“My wife Dana and I enjoy getting away from hot and humid Houston a couple of times per year in our camper, often to see mountains or fall colors. Our daughter has recently relocated to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, so this year we were predisposed to head in that direction. We’d visited Chattanooga, Cumberland Falls, Louisville, and we stopped to visit Paducah (heading south toward home) and stayed at Kenlake Campground. It was a one-night stay and we hadn’t even seen the lake, so in the morning I just followed the road in the direction of the lake as the sun was rising and took the photo.”

Camping Category First Place Winner

Camping Category Second Place Winner

Photographer: Catie Overby
Location: Columbus-Belmont State Park

The judges selected this camping photo at Columbus-Belmont titled “Be Still. Be Quiet. Just Be.”

Catie shares the story, “My husband and I wanted to get away during the pandemic but we knew we needed to stay close to home. So we decided to go camping. That first night we were exhausted after working all day and so we set up the tent, grabbed burgers and ice cream at Beard and Roses, and then watched the sunset.”

“We love to camp and though we’ve camped other places this is still our favorite spot. Camping for us is self-care for ourselves and our marriage. We’ve been married for almost four years and can’t wait to take our soon-to-be here baby girl camping with us one day!”

Camping Category Second Place Winner

Scenic Category First Place Winner

Photographer: John Ryle
Location: Pine Mountain State Resort Park

The judges selected this sunrise shot titled “Sunrise at Chained Rock”. John is a Kentucky native that loves photography, as well as the outdoors. He took this photo with his Google Pixel 7 Pro. It was his first trip to Pine Mountain.

“I was visiting two state parks I’d never seen before to camp and take pictures of the fall foliage. I took a long weekend to explore Pine Mountain, and Kingdom Come. While at Pine Mountain, I woke up surrounded by fog, and decided to hike Chained Rock to see if the mountain tops were covered in mist. It was an amazing experience watching the sun come up, being above the clouds, and peacefully watching the mist move around the peaks…almost like the ocean around islands.”

“I love our Kentucky State Parks, and recommend them to people looking to experience Kentucky’s natural beauty…not to mention the incredible food at the lodges. It’s also nice to take a little break somewhere close to home. Being in nature, breathing out, relaxing, and reconnecting is what inspires me most about our state parks.”

Scenic Category First Place Winner

Scenic Category Second Place Winner

Photographer: Jonathan Hall
Location: Kingdom Come State Park

This scenic category winner photo was taken during a fall sunset at the Creech Overlook at Kingdom Come State Park. Jonathan wanted to capture this overlook from a perspective he had never seen before. He took this shot with a Canon 80D with Sigma 18-35 1.8 ART.

“Kentucky State Parks to me are some of the most beautiful places on earth, the awe-inspiring beauty and views takes me back to my childhood where we spent many days hiking and picnicking. A tradition I have carried on with my family as well.”

Scenic Category Second Place Winner

Trails Category First Place Winner

Photographer: Lisa Hunter
Location: Cumberland Falls State Resort Park

The judges felt Lisa’s photo titled “Fall at Eagle Falls” really captured the special places you experience on the trails and was this year’s winner. She’s been hiking for years and goes to this spot often. The shot was taken with a Canon 80D.

Lisa has been to the majority of Kentucky State Parks and finds them to be very meaningful. She plans to continue her adventures around the state incluidng a visit to Carter Caves State Resort Park to explore the caves, waterfalls, and abundance of arches. She also plans to complete the 36 miles of the Dawkins Line Rail Trail. We look forward to seeing more photos of your adventures!

Trails Category First Place Winner

Trails Category Second Place Winner

Photographer: Rachel Stottmann
Location: Natural Bridge State Resort Park

Rachel is an artist and civil environmental engineer who has grown up hiking and camping throughout Kentucky. This photo was taken from the Original Trail while approaching the underside of Natural Bridge at Natural Bridge State Resort Park.

Rachael said, “This particular photo was taken during a seasonally warm day in March of 2022. I was staying in the area for my spring break during my last semester of college, and decided to take the Original Trail up to Natural Bridge before heading to the cabin for the evening. The sky was such a pretty blue color and the trail wasn’t crowded on the way up since it was a week day. I had to stop and capture a photo of Natural Bridge contrasting with the blue sky!” 

Trails Category Second Place Winner

Activities Category First Place Winner

Photographer: Shanna Kurth
Location: Cumberland Falls State Resort Park

Shanna is a recently retired clinical neuropsychologist and part-time college professor. She has been a hiker, backpacker, and amateur photographer since high school. She took this photo of an artist capturing the beauty of the falls on canvas with her Canon 70D and standard Canon 18-135mm lens.

“My friend and I have done a Ladies’ Adventure trip each year for a number of years. Several years ago, my friend began setting an annual goal; her first was to do 50 different hikes (not limited to Kentucky) before her 50th birthday. The next year, she visited 50 waterfalls; the following year, she visited 50 natural arches. This year, her goal was to explore all of the Kentucky State Parks. Thus, this photo was from the first adventure weekend we have done in the state of Kentucky.” 

Activities Category First Place Winner

Activities Category Second Place Winner

Photographer: Terri Manthey
Location: Old Fort Harrod State Park

The judges selected this photo taking us back in time at Old Fort Harrod highlighting a weaving loom at the McGinty Blockhouse.

Terri says, “It is such a privilege to be able to step back in time, have interactive encounters, appreciate craftsmanship, but especially the people who make it all come to life. State parks have inspired me as a mother, and as a teacher. State Parks are family friendly, classroom friendly, and budget friendly. They are also a great place to find some of the best views in the state for photography.”

Activities Category Second Place Winner

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2022 Kentucky State Parks Photo Contest!

Are you ready for an outdoor adventure? Plan your camping trip!

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