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2019 America’s State Parks Photo Contest Winners

America’s State Parks in partnership with Aspira recently hosted the 2019 America’s State Parks Photo Contest to build community around the unique moments captured at state parks across the country. The contest called for amateur photography entries in five categories including Camping, Wildlife, Activities, Friends & Family and Scenic & Seasons. To be eligible to win, the photo must be an original work by an amateur photographer, taken at a state park in the U.S. over the past year. The contest ran two months and received nearly 9,000 entries.

Let our winners below inspire you to plan your next state park visit with their unique stories.

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated!

Grand Prize Winner

Photographer: Rustica Carlos
Location: Memaloose State Park
State: Oregon
Prize: RV rental provided by Outdoorsy

Every spring the balsamroot bloom in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon and timing is crucial in order to witness their beauty. This year Rustica timed her trip to Memaloose State Park perfect with the peak bloom. It was her second time visiting the park with friends and they were thrilled to see the incredible colors. She hopes her photo inspires others to enjoy the outdoors, and preserve and protect nature.

Photo Contest Winner Grand Prize

Scenic & Seasons Category Winner

Photographer: Irina Kozhemyakina
Location: Chicot State Park
State: Louisiana
Prize: $500 REI Gift Card, Luxe Camping Pillow from Klymit and Backpacker Magazine one year subscription

Irina is a mathematician and her hobby is taking pictures. She loves taking landscape photos of nature and admires the bald cypress trees. Irina did a search online to find Chicot State Park and decided to visit in fall to see the colors. She woke up before sunrise and set up her tripod to catch this early morning foggy scene. Irina hopes her photo inspires others to visit state parks and the trees.

Scenic Photography Contest Winner

Wildlife Category Winner

Photographer: Ray Cochran
Location: Lake Kissimmee State Park
State: Florida
Prize: $500 REI Gift Card, Luxe Camping Pillow from Klymit and Backpacker Magazine one year subscription

Ray is a 75-year old Vietnam Veteran. He served two tours and photography is his hobby. The focus of the photo is what you don’t initially see and what makes the photo special. Four months ago Ray was hiking in Lake Kissimmee State Park when he noticed an owl swoop down and fly back into the tree. Out of curiosity he followed it, looked up into the tree, saw the rat in the owl’s mouth and snapped the shot. However, the photo is just part of the story as Ray stayed to watch the owl bring the rat to the mother owl who proceeded to prepare and then feed their baby. Ray says state parks make him feel connected with nature and hopes others take time to explore the outdoors to witness wildlife too.

Wildlife Photo Category Contest Winner

Camping Category Winner

Photographer: Melinda Rodriguez
Location: Saranac Lake Islands
State: New York
Prize: $500 REI Gift Card, Luxe Camping Pillow from Klymit and Backpacker Magazine one year subscription

Melinda loves spending time in the great outdoors with her boyfriend, family and friends. She visits Saranac Lake Islands frequently as it is just a 20-minute drive from home. For this picture, it was her second time camping at this park and Melinda noticed a small bluff with this amazing mountain view. There was just enough space to set up her tent directly overlooking the views. She took this photo with her iPhone after she set up her spot. State parks inspire moments of relaxation for Melinda, just like her photo captured so well.

Camping Category Winner Photo Contest

Activities Category Winner

Photographer: Emily Monticue
Location: Turkey Run State Park
State: Indiana
Prize: $500 REI Gift Card, Luxe Camping Pillow from Klymit and Backpacker Magazine one year  subscription

Emily and her son spend a lot of time outdoors. They love to camp, canoe, kayak, bike and hike. For this picture she explains, “It was probably around 8am and there was no one else hiking on this particular stretch of the canyon. My son was walking ahead of me and I looked up and remember thinking this would make a great picture! The haziness of the morning, the water, almost perfect lighting and the green on the rock walls made for a perfect shot.” Emily has been visiting state parks since she was a small child and is inspired by John Muir who said, “into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul”.

Activities Photo Contest Winner

Friends & Family Category Winner

Photographer: Stacey Werner
Location: Anastasia State Park
State: Florida
Prize: $500 REI Gift Card, Luxe Camping Pillow from Klymit and Backpacker Magazine one year subscription

Stacey has been taking photos as a hobby since high school. Anastasia State Park is one of her favorite places to camp with family and friends. On this day she said they decided to go on a walk. “All of us were thinking that the end of the beach looked pretty close from a distance. After awhile of walking and taking swim breaks, the kids were getting tired as the sun was going down. We were just about ready to turn back when we all saw this boat coming in. It changed everyone’s mood and the kids were talking about pirates. I was so excited, because of course I had my camera! The scene was unexpected, and seemed so perfect. The water, sand, boat and misty look… I just love this photograph. It was worth the long walk!” Stacey said state parks inspire quality family time.

Family Photo Contest Winner


Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 America’s State Parks Photo Contest! Are you ready for an outdoor adventure? Plan your camping trip.

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